Yep - for the enjoyment of all - we have rules.
We value our guests, and their time, so we have established rules to allow for the enjoyment of our Ranch by all who visit us.
Please respect your neighbors while you are here.
**Beach is first come first serve. No unattended popups, towels, inflatables, watercraft, chairs, tents etc. Pick your items up daily.
Quiet generators only. Generator hours are 8:00AM - 10:00AM / 12:00PM - 1:00PM / 6:00PM - 8:00PM. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
Electric Golf Carts & Such
• Golf carts may only be operated during daylight hours by licensed drivers 21 years of age or older.
• Maximum 4 occupants in Casini Rental Carts
• Seat belts must be worn by the driver and all passengers whenever operating Casini Rental Carts.
• No persons operating a golf cart shall be under the influence of alcohol.
• Carts may only be driven on the roads of Casini Ranch Family Campground. No reckless or off road driving is allowed. Please stay off lawns, walkways, berms and beaches.
• All persons operating electric vehicles must comply with the 7 MPH speed limit.
Electric Motorcycles, Scooters, Bikes, Mopeds, Etc.
• All minors 17 and under must be supervised by an adult while operating any electric vehicle (must be 21 for golf carts or similar sized electric vehicles). Daylight hours only.
• No persons operating an electric vehicle shall be under the influence of alcohol.
• Electric vehicles may only be driven on the roads of Casini Ranch Family Campground. No reckless or off road driving is allowed. Please stay off lawns, walkways, berms and beaches.
• All persons operating electric vehicles must comply with the 7 MPH speed limit.
RC Cars and Boats
• Only electric powered RC cars and boats allowed
• RC cars and boats must be operated in remote locations with no disturbance to other guests.
• RC cars and boats must not disturb natural vegetation, landscape or waterways.
• RC cars and boats must be operated safely and responsibly.
• The use of drones, RC airplanes and helicopters etc. is strictly prohibited.
**Failure to comply with park rules or alternative transportation rules may result in forfeiture of your operating privileges or eviction from the park without refund.